til today.

At least none with format worldwide -

it seems like!

27 August 2023   

Below is the famous White House "x-rayed" - from our political expert perspective:

The politics and law of the USA are based on the state constitution of 1787, which was written by the American founding fathers. The founding fathers such as Madison, Jefferson and Washington had little experience in constitutional law and politics, as they were mostly only military men.

Please refer:

From the list of the most important politicians in this country since 1976 until today, we hardly found a TOP politician in the USA with the profound education for the very complex political world!

JF Kennedy admitted this in 1960.

The famous Harvard University, its "Harvard Kennedy School", even presents its students with the super-political layman and former cabaret artist Selensky and, before him, the physicist Merkel as role models of "correct political leadership".

Please refer:

Nor does Harvard question the fundamental structural and personnel weaknesses of parliamentary democracies that allow the fatal, constant co-governing of hundreds of representatives. In such democracies, political responsibilities are dangerously mixed and the incompetent are magnetically attracted:

Those who are capable avoid the systems and prefer to go into the far more sensibly organized industry and economy - which then also pay significantly better and have far fewer worries.

In this context:

Today's democracies, parliamentary democracies and their ideas about empowerment have already triggered German National Socialism with the most dramatic consequences!

And today they are driving towards the total destruction of the planet.


but on three pillars ...


CORRECT CONSTITUTIONS, which do not encourage crises but "circumvent" them, which distinguish the incompetent from the capable politicians, which offer the capable the chance to make correct efforts to find solutions.


SUITABLE POST-POSITIONS with capable leaders in the area of state affairs. With politicians who know very well how to conduct correct politics, who are very well aware of why the "political job is the most complicated and, not least, the most annoying in the world" - as long as you do it correctly.


POLITICALLY INTELLIGENT CITIZENS, VOTERS who have at least learned which people they should vote for in electoral processes - whereby these "electoral processes" already begin in families and among friends, i.e. long before the official elections.

Whether in the USA or in Europe:

Everywhere there are unfit

Party democracies and democrats.

But why did not and do not our universities and their political science faculties warn about the dangerous party democracies and the complete lack of training of politicians?

And this citizen:

To this day, citizens elect politicians in the USA and everywhere based on attributes such as:






-empty, unqualified promises.

Even the Western parliamentary administrations do not place appropriate demands on future politicians:

To date, candidates and future members of the German Bundestag only have to have a clean criminal record and meet the minimum age (18 years). What they are politically capable of is irrelevant to the German legislature.


See the German Federal Election Law and Basic Law.

We had extensive disputes with the Bundestag administration all the way up to its President (Lammert).

In a chance conversation with William Cohen - Secretary of Defense under Clinton - during one of the Munich Security Conferences (see YOUTUBE, FILMS), he was not even aware of the massive flaws in the US government system, such that Congress has a say in the most complex areas, responsibilities become blurred, and in the end no one knows who caused the problems. See William Cohen here under FILMS, YOUTUBE.

That is probably why Donald Trump or the peanut farmer Jimmy Carter, and after him the actor Ronald Reagan, then the show lawyer Obama were able to move into the White House without laughter.

In 2014, the lawyer Obama even classified Russia as a "regional power" despite its size, its millennia-old culture and military history, thus triggering the enormous nuclear armament efforts in Russia.

Please refer:

His vice president, Joe Biden, also a lawyer, prepared the ground for the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in 2014, according to our data collection.

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Secretary of Defense R. McNamara.

JF Kennedy confirmed his lack of political training internally in confidential discussions with his staff. Despite studying at Harvard, he had not acquired any training for the most difficult job in the world.

JFK and his brother Robert saved the globe from nuclear war using only “common sense”!

The German politician Helmut Schmidt regretted the widespread lack of training among politicians in a television appearance in 2009.

When one of our circle often stayed in the US President's rooms through a White House advisor (Steve Larrabee, see the ABOUT US button), Jimmy Carter was upset about his daughter Amy being photographed. He was not moved by the latter's publication in the US magazine Newsweek on May 21, 1980, in which it was reported in detail that NATO was increasingly receiving weapons systems that were unsuitable for combat and in any case very expensive, as dictated by the US industry and other western arms industries.

Once again to H. Schmidt:

In an ARD broadcast with interviewer Sigmund Gottlieb, who ignored this cardinal statement. The ARD very fatally deleted the statement from the minutes. Gottlieb was very embarrassed when we confronted him with this omission at a film awards ceremony. On February 2, 2023 in Geneva, however, he emphasized the need for politicians to be trained and regretted its lack. This was the opinion of an eyewitness, the Genevan CH, a contributor to The journalist's appearance before the "international German Club"

In 2016, we had a heated debate with some German MPs, including the President of the German Bundestag (Norbert Lammert), about why completely inadequate criteria are being set for candidates for the German parliament - such as age alone. The fact that you have to be trained for the most complicated jobs in the world is not stated in the German Federal Election Law or Basic Law!

And that is the case in other democracies as well.

In the USA there is also no legal requirement to train politicians.

You have to imagine this - and descendants will surely ask themselves the same question:

How could Harvard University and its best government school celebrate politicians who have never received professional training in correct politics, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel? In 2012, we criticized this Chancellor for her political ignorance on German Unity Day in Munich.

In 1990, Harvard University rejected our investigation into giga-military waste, signaling its subservience to the US defense industry.

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